Who Is Changing Lanes?

Chad and Tara of Changing Lanes share their fifth-wheel and motorcycle adventures. Several years ago, Chad asked his wife, “What would you think of selling the house and everything in it and hitting the road full-time in an RV?” Tara was a bit scared but liked the idea of figuring out how to live in a “box with wheels.” 

The Backstory of Changing Lanes

Halfway through their year of planning, Tara and Chad decided to document their journey. They called it Changing Lanes because it fit what they were doing in every aspect of their lives. This change caused Tara anxiety because she’d suffered from Lyme Disease for the previous four years and spent most of her time in bed. The couple had also never camped or rented an RV before they started their research about full-timing. 

They now feel happier and healthier in their RV. Chad was able to keep his job for their sticks and bricks house by telecommuting. They use the garage in their RV as a deluxe office. Tara edits their YouTube videos.

Kids, Family, Pets

Chad has two adult daughters who don’t travel with them.

How Long Have They Been RVing

Chad and Tara left their sticks and bricks life in December 2017 after a year of planning, researching, and purging their belongings. 

What Type of RV Does Changing Lanes Travel in?

Chad and Tara travel in a 2018 Grand Design Momentum 397TH, a toy hauler… They also carry their Indian Roadmaster motorcycle, Lucille, and tow a jeep. When stationary, they change the garage of their fifth-wheel into an office for two. It’s an incredible transformation. The garage is also where they stow Lucille when changing locations, and that room can also convert into a guest space with its own bathroom.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Modifications – They have done upgrades to their unit, adding SnapPads, upgrading the power inverter, putting in a Ring security system to monitor the RV when they are home and away, and putting in a tire pressure monitoring system, to name a few. Their rig works well for them and what they need it to do. 

Top 3 YouTube Videos from Changing Lanes

Changing Lanes is a fun and informative travel channel that shows you can travel full-time no matter your circumstances. From motorcycle rides up Mount Washington in New Hampshire to traveling through national parks out west, Chad and Tara showcase the best the US has to offer from atop Lucille and their home on wheels. 

Grand Design Momentum 397TH – Full-Time RV Tour!

This video shows the inside, outside, and how to access the bedroom, bathroom, and fridge when the slides are in. Lunch breaks and quick stopovers are more manageable in this rig. No cabinet was left closed. They showed all of the many features of this fantastic fifth-wheel.

Towing a Large 5th Wheel RV

Chad and Tara travel with their little dog Daisy. If you haven’t seen Daisy in Doggles, you’ll have to find that YouTube video. It’s an excellent way for Daisy to ride on the bike with Chad and Tara, and she looks so cool. Daisy is a huge part of their channel, hanging with them and playing guard dog. 

The official always asked for, video on towing a large RV. Chad put together this excellent video for a beginner RVer who’s looking how to tow. Chad covers everything clearly with the help of his trusty whiteboard – weight distribution, what to use as a towing vehicle, trip planning, and backing up the behemoth. There’s even a time code to skip right to what you most need to hear at that moment.

AWESOME Mobile Internet!

Chad and Tara updated this video in December 2020, sharing that Verizon or AT&T no longer offers unlimited services. The highest data allowance is 500GB. Chad again pulls out his whiteboard to explain why campground wi-fi stinks and how to create your own system that works for you. Do you need a hotspot, router, wired, wi-fi, or satellite? Chad will help you decide.

The YouTube video a long list of products to use to get great internet on the road. They also offer information on where to get a course that can lead a newbie through the process of setting up his or her internet.

Where Else Can You Find Changing Lanes?

Website – Changinglanesrv.com

Facebook – @changinglanesrv

YouTube – Changing Lanes

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/changinglanesrv/

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