Entrepreneurial YouTubers involve themselves in lots of business endeavors and side hustles.
Some live full-time in their RVs and travel the world learning and working as they go. Some find their income in affiliate marketing, as YouTube and Instagram influencers, or as freelancers.
But one YouTubing couple saw an extraordinary opportunity in the RV world and seized it, and they haven’t looked back!
Let’s meet them now, and see how they’ve used their skills and attributes to create a lucrative business on the road.

Who is I’m Not Lost I’m RVing?
Stacy and Thomas are lovers of the nomadic lifestyle. They live full-time in a renovated retro Lazy Daze RV, a lifestyle they pursued with the hope of traveling and finding adventure while they’re young, and living a more minimalistic lifestyle in general.
They found themselves wholly unsatisfied with the “hampster-wheel” existence that allowed them to pay for their home and cars, and they felt that they were spinning their wheels in life.
Stacy and Thomas began to formulate a whole new approach to life and living, with “living in the moment” as their priority. This led them to a 2005 Lazy Daze Midbath which this couple in their mid-30’s now call home.
The 26.5-foot RV tows a 2006 Jeep Wrangler that allows Stacy and Thomas to move around freely once they’ve parked their RV in a given location.

They earn the money to support their RV lifestyle in several ways. In addition to Stacy’s retirement income, they receive revenue from YouTube as well as from a few affiliate programs. They’ve also done a few “workamping” gigs.
But they have more recently found another way to make money, and we’ll get into that shortly!
About the I’m Not Lost I’m RVing YouTube Channel
Stacy and Thomas offer videos covering a wide variety of interesting subjects on their YouTube channel.
From travel to work matters to DIY (do-it-yourself) instructional videos and reviews, this innovative couple knows how to hold the interest of their viewers.
And here’s the latest development on the Stacy & Thomas front, they’ve launched their own solar business!
Let’s check it out!
These RV YouTubers Launch Solar Business
In 2020 Stacy and Thomas launched their solar consulting and installation business, Great Outdoors Solar.
They quickly booked all the time they had available for the rest of 2020. At the writing of this article, they’re booked well into 2021.
Let’s see what they have to offer!
Great Outdoors Solar
Great Outdoors Solar offers in-person and video consultations as well as complete installations of full solar systems on RVs. (They do not offer installs on sticks-n-bricks homes, cabins, sheds, etc.)
If you’re the do-it-yourself type, they’ll offer you a consultation to get you started on the project.
They’ll travel up to 50 miles for an in-person consultation or they’ll conduct the consultation via video. Either comes at a cost of $200. If you end up having them install your solar system, they’ll credit that consultation fee.
Not a bad deal!
RV Solar is a Lucrative Business
RV solar is a highly lucrative business. Many RVers would love to harness the awesome power of the sun to bring electricity into their RVs.
This precludes the need for a generator and for the need to always be connected to shore power. And this equates to freedom!
With an efficient system, RVers can spend weeks in the desert or on the beach completely powered by the sun. Imagine the sun making your coffee, powering your computer and your RVs sound system, powering your microwave as it pops your popcorn for the movie you’re going to watch on your sun-powered television!
Imagine being able to do that without running your generator. Or going for a long drive to charge up your house batteries. Or hooking up to shore power at all!
RV solar is a lucrative business because of the incredible renewable energy of the sun to bring power to all of our creature comforts.
Our New RV Solar Business is Taking Off!
In this video made in February of 2021, Stacy and Thomas take us through one of their solar installation.
In this particular installation, the clients wanted a solar system installed on their RV using the panels they already had. So Stacy and Thomas had to dismantle the four panels from their previous installation and install them on the client’s RV.
And Stacy introduces the name they’ve chosen for their business, Great Outdoors Solar, and their accompanying slogan is “Bringing Camping Out of the Dark Ages”! Perfect!
What’s RV Living on Solar Really Like?
In this video Thomas and Stacy show us what it’s like to live on solar. They take us through what running their lives on solar requires in terms of effort from them. (Spoiler: It doesn’t require much effort!)
Thomas starts the day by making coffee and breakfast while Stacy works on her laptop. They show us where they save power (for example, by making their coffee with a french press), and then they have breakfast in front of a big-screen TV watching their favorite YouTube channel.
Remember now – all of this is done with power harnessed from the sun! However, as Stacy shows us from the rooftop of the RV, the panels are largely shaded by trees.
So they start the day of the filming of this video at around 50% battery capacity! You’ll have to watch the video to see what happens from there!
It’s Always Sunny in RV Land
Stacy and Thomas of “I’m Not Lost I’m RVing” have not only launched a great YouTube channel with interesting content for all, but they’ve now launched a very successful solar consultation and installation business.
They’re booked through the first quarter of 2021, and then they’ve got some travel plans. This is one busy couple (with two not-so-busy cats) who are fun to watch for both entertainment and education!
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