A truck trailer driving through the desert with red rocky cliffs behind it.

What Happened To Truck Campers With Axles?

We recently came across a post on Reddit inquiring about truck campers with axles. The user posted a wild picture of an old truck camper, unlike anything we’ve seen.

The truck camper had a rear axle for additional support and weight distribution. On the surface, it looked like such a genius idea.

So, what happened, and why isn’t it the standard today?

Let’s look and see!

Where Did All the Truck Campers With Axles Go?

Unfortunately, while it may have looked like a good idea, it wasn’t. Users were quick to point out that the location of the wheels wasn’t likely a great option. The camper would chew through the wheel bearings and tires on the back axle.

In addition, the extended length of the rig would make it very challenging to conquer inclines without scraping. There’s nothing much worse than hearing that metal pavement sound as you shred the underside of your vehicle.

While there’s not much information available on the internet, it was likely a faulty design. How do we know? If it weren’t, every manufacturer in the industry would be using it today.

Since we’re not seeing manufacturers releasing truck campers in this style, it’s a safe bet that something was seriously wrong with the concept.

Be sure to read Luxury or Roughing it? These Truck Campers Push the Envelope for more truck camper inspiration!

What Is the Weight Distribution Tag Trailer?

The Weight Distribution Tag Trailer is a patented system that helps carry the load of a truck camper. The tag axle connects to the two-inch receiver on the truck’s rear. From there, the owner tightens the four bolts that hold everything in place.

The device manufacturer offers various options, claiming they can add up to 2,000 pounds of carrying capacity. We haven’t tested it, and we’re not the tow police. However, you’ll want to ensure you drive across a scale and are within tow limits.

This device can be helpful for those with a smaller truck that desire to carry a truck camper. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a truck camper. Individuals hauling heavy trailers or loads in the truck bed will notice the improvement.

Who Makes the Weight Distribution Tag Trailer?

Tag-Trailer manufactures the Weight Distribution Tag Trailer. They are only available at their Altoona, Iowa facility. However, they’ve had customers drive from Oklahoma, Colorado, and Utah.

The devices cost between $2,500 and $3,000 installed. They’ll install it and allow you to take it for a 10-mile test drive. If you’re unhappy with the results, they’ll uninstall everything and fully refund you. However, the man behind the operation, Roy Pack, says he’s never had anyone accept the offer.

Tag-trailer's main page on their website.

Benefits of the Weight Distribution Tag Trailer

You might want to consider the Weight Distribution Tag Trailer for several reasons. Let’s take a look and see!

Reduces Sag

Even if you’re within the towing capacity of your vehicle, a slight sag can be normal. However, this device can assist if you want to carry your load as levelly as possible.

It takes some of the weight placed on the rear axle. This can help eliminate the sag that you can experience in these situations.

Adds Carrying Capacity

It claims to add carrying capacity to the tow vehicle. In an interview, Mr. Pack mentioned the unit can add 1,500 to 2,000 pounds of payload capacity to a vehicle. Again, this is a state they are making and not us. We’re simply the messengers of the information that Mr. Pack is claiming.

For us, we prefer to stick with the manufacturer’s numbers. What happens if the tag trailer is helping you to stay underweight, but it blows a tire? That weight will get transferred onto your vehicle. Even if it’s for a short period, we don’t recommend pushing past the limits set by the manufacturer.

Tag-trailer rear axle fitted to a truck.
Source: Tag-Trailer

Compatible with OEM Suspension

Another benefit of this unit is its compatibility with OEM suspension systems. Mr. Pack states that adding this device is one of the only suspension upgrades some users need to make.

Once installed and set up, they immediately notice the impact. Since they’ll do the installation for you, you’ll be able to have confidence it’s done right from the start.

Improve Stability

When you push your vehicle to its maximum towing capabilities, you can experience instability front to back. Luckily, the added wheels at the rear help to absorb that motion.

This eliminates this rocking back-and-forth feeling experienced as you travel down the highway. If you’ve ever experienced it, you know that this isn’t a fun experience.

Reduces Sway

Another benefit of the Weight Distribution Tag Trailer is its ability to reduce sway. The device’s position also helps absorb the sway felt in the camper.

The movement felt inside a camper can be overwhelming at times. Luckily, the added support from this unit can help solve this problem. 

A person pointing at their Tag-trailer rear axle fitted to a truck.
Source: Tag-Trailer

Is the Weight Distribution Tag Trailer Worth It?

While we understand the purpose and goal behind the Weight Distribution Tag Trailer, it’s concerning. Despite Mr. Pack’s confidence in the device, we need more convincing. Is it worth getting the Weight Distribution Tag Trailer?

We know we’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but we often judge businesses by their website. It’s not easy to navigate, and no social media pages exist. It’s a hard pass from us.

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