Scammers Targeting Famous YouTubers!

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Nomadic News

How Are Scammers Targeting YouTubers?

They can con people by creating accounts that look almost identical to authentic channels that users are following. The scammers wait for the content creator to post a video and immediately respond to comments.

What Is Carolyn’s RV Life Doing to Address the Scam?

One recent attack was on the YouTube channel for Carolyn’S RV Life. Someone notified her of the situation, and she immediately released her “Scammer Alert. Protect Yourself” video. The video was her attempt to warn her viewers about what was happening and how they could protect themselves.

What Can You Do to Protect Yourself Against Scams?

You can do several things to protect yourself against scams on YouTube. First, you must have a healthy dose of skepticism regarding comments and interactions with people online.

Who Is Carolyn’s RV Life?

Carolyn’s RV Life is the YouTube channel for content creator Carolyn Higgins. She’s been living and working in her RV since 2016. She traded in her former rat-race life and the dream of having the perfect house and spouse for a life of backpacking, hiking, and traveling. She’s garnered 130,000+ subscribers on YouTube and over 32 million views on her library of videos.

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