Is Boondocking Getting More Dangerous with the Rise of RV Living?

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Nomadic News

What Is Boondocking?

Boondocking is a camping style where you use a camper or other RV for camping on public lands temporarily. These adventurers often use grounds the US Forest Service or the Bureau of Land Management maintain.

Is Boondocking Safe?

While there have been a handful of trending stories in recent years regarding boondocking incidents, the style of camping is incredibly safe. You’re typically in no more danger than in any other camping situation or outdoor activity.

Is Boondocking Getting More Dangerous With the Rise of RV Living?

Boondocking doesn’t appear to be getting any more dangerous. However, with the rise of RV living and social media, news and events travel faster. We’re more likely to hear and read about events that we otherwise wouldn’t have known about before.

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